Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Architectural Design Studio 1

Project 1: Self-Expression through Object

This is an ice-breaking design project which requires us to create a Reinterpretative Piece, also known as a representational piece of art. Through this project, I'm able to identify and abstract ideas of the self, also translate and interpret the initial ideas that have been abstracted into a piece of art.

I created a shoe to represents my life in the past. The shoe that I used to wear it every day , represents what I've walked past. It's a really big challenge for me to walk through tough roads with an old dusty shoes without laces. I used the technique of abstract expressionism and metaphor in the art work. 

Old and Dusty Shoe without laces

Project 2 : Self-Expression through Architectural Space

This is a group work project, in a group of 3. First, we need to design a space individually that can express our personalities which is related to project 1. Thereafter, 3 of us have to combine our ideas into a new design which contains 3 of our ideas. Lastly, the final design has to be constructed into a 1:1 scaled installation using card boards.

Throughout the whole process of this project, I've better understanding on how to apply basic design principle on my design. Besides, I'm also able to distinguish the role of scale and proportion in the relationship between the human body and a designed space. Finally, design and produce a space that embodies and expresses the idea and conceptual narrative.

Personally, I think the hardest part of this project is the time that we need to actually blend in 3 of our individual ideas into a new design. After we've got our design, we spent a lot time trying to build it up, and we actually modify our design a couple of time to solve the problems we found when we're building up the 1:1 installation until we successfully built it up. 
First Individual Idea 

Mock Up Model 01

Mock Up Model 02

Mock Up Model 03

Mock Up Model 04

Group Idea Sketch 01 

Group Idea Sketch 02

Scale 1:1 Model

Trial 01

Trial 02

Cardboard Pieces that we use to construct our Installation.

A part of our Installation

Final Installation 01

Final Installation 02

Me & My Final Installation

Presentation Board

Final Project: My City DreamSpace

For this final project, the first thing that we need to do is to watch four movies, which are

  1. Fifth Element
  2. Blade Runner
  3. Ghost in the Shell
  4. Tron Legacy
Then we need to select a movie that we'd like to work with, 5 people who chose then same movie will then need to build site models in 1:50 scale based on the movie. A site was given in between two buildings,
5m Width x 15m Length x 12.5m Height, we're required to design a hideout for our own individual character in the movie.

Site Model 01

Site Model 02


Sketch Journal

Mock Up Model

Mock Up 01

Mock Up 02

Hideout Model

Model Process 01

Model Process 02

Final Model 01

Final Model 02

Final Presentation Board

Presentation Board 01

Presentation Board 02

Upon completion of this project, I'm able apply basic design principles in spatial organization. Besides, also designing a space that is suitable for a human body in term of scale and proportion come along with good spatial qualities.

For me, the most important thing about this project is going to all the tutorial sessions and show tutor what I've improved and developed from last week's progress, get advises from tutor and that's where my design development come from. Once the design is finalized, the main focus is the presentation boards. 

Post-presentation Group Photo

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