Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Architecture Culture and History 1

Project : Precedent Study

This is a group and individual project, in a group of 4, we are required to carry out analysis on specific building through drawing, model-making, written and verbal presentations.

1. Essay

This is a research essay written by me and my group mates, we chose the building "Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela", in Spain. This essay introduced the history of the building and also the architectural styles found in this building.
To complete this essay, we have to do a lot of research online and in the library.
Upon Completion, I have better understanding about the history of the building and also 3 different architectural styles which are Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque. Besides the styles, I also have a brief understanding of the materials used and methods of construction in different time period.

2. Analysis Presentation Board

This is an individual task that I'm required to produce a deep analysis of the building on a A2 size presentation board. On the board, I included floor plans, elevation, sketches, building concept analysis, section analysis, building massing analysis, circulation analysis and spatial organization analysis.
After completing this task, I've a deeper understanding of the concept of this building about how it is designed and how the design being utilized, every single detail of this building has got it's own meaning and function.

3. Model

For this task, we're required to create a model to communicate our analysis, about the structure, component, ideas and concept of our precedent. The model is 30cm x 30cm in dimension with 10cm depth, we can only use balsa timber to create the model. 
For my group, we created Facade El Obradoiro, the front facade of Santiago de Compostela. Through out this model making task, I found that it is a tough challenge for us to show the detail structure of a historical building, we actually spent a lot more time then we expected to get this model done because this is the first time we create model using balsa wood and we keep retrying to get the details we want due to the fragility of the balsa wood, we have to be attentive all the time.

Model Progress
Balsa Timber

Columns 01

Columns 02

Columns 03

Part of facade 01

Part of facade 02

Part of facade 03

Part of facade 04

Part of facade 05

Part of facade 06

Final Model 01

Final Model 02

Final Model 03

4. Verbal Presentation

The last task of this project is a verbal presentation, in this presentation, we should communicate our precedent study to the lecturer through all the task that we've done, including essay, analysis drawing, diagrams and model. 

Presentation 01

Presentation 02

Upon completion of this project, I am able to differentiate different building types, architecture styles and period. Besides, I have a better understanding of how a culture between a time period can affect their architecture style. Apart from that, I'm able to produce building analysis which includes architectural language and contextual relationships.

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