Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Building Material

My Home My Space

This is an exercise that required me to produce a board to show different types of materials in a space of my home. We are required to identify the correct material and also giving a general introduction to the properties of the materials.
Through this exercise, I have a better understanding about the properties of materials which are surrounding me everyday.

Project 1aMateriality of Space : An experiential exploration

This is a group project, in a group of 5, we have to select a commercial or residential building which allow us to experience and explore the building materials used on that particular building.
The building we chose is NZX Ara Damansara, it is a commercial centre located in Ara Damansara.
As a group, we have to produce two A2 boards and a mood board to show the building materials used in this building, we included building plan and elevation to indicated the materials applied. Besides that, we also did research about the materials applied, to find out their physical, chemical properties, and their general usage.
Through this project, I've discovered some materials that I've not heard or noticed before, I also become more clearer about the usage of building materials applied in terms of their suitability, stability and durability.

Presentation Board 01

Presentation Board 02

Mood Board

Project 1b IndividualMateriality of Space : An experiential exploration

This is another part of project 1, which we need to produce another A2 size board individually, this board is more about experiencing the building materials. I chose 3 materials from that commercial building and did some research about the properties of the materials, then write about my experience to that material, how it suits in that place and how it affects the human activities there.
Through this project, I am able to identify and differentiate what kind of materials are suitable to be applied in different environments, all the materials applied has got their own reason and function. We need to find the most suitable material bring out the effects we want.

Individual Board

Project 2 : Integration - Material Specification

This project is related to my studio final project, which I'm required to produce a board to propose the materials that I want to use for my design in studio final project.
I'm designing a hideout in a scene of the movie "TRON LEGACY", which is in a futuristic digital world. So I'm choosing materials with the latest or future technology, which are functional and environmental friendly.
Upon completion of this project, I'm able to recognize some modern and future building materials, which will be commonly used in the future. Besides, I'm able to apply materials through the design process, making sure that the materials can bring out the effects and spatial qualities that I'm looking for.

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