Saturday, April 26, 2014


Project 1
Work In Progress
Insert floor plan image into autocad for tracing

Floor plan completed in autocad

Import autocad floor plan into 3dsmax to create floor slab

Inset elevation into autocad

Elevation of every wall completed by using autocad

Measuring the angle of all walls using autocad

Place the walls extruded from elevation onto floor plan and adjust to the correct angle

Exterior wall placing completed

All wall placing completed

Creating flat roof

Roofing completed

Roofing completed

Creating door/window frame using line

Extrude door/window frame to the correct thickness

Windows frame place onto the correct position

Creating door frame using box and edit poly

Completed door frame

Placing door frame into correct position

Creating door knob using cylinder

Door knob completed using edit poly and bevel 

Placed door knob onto the correct position

Creating glass door handle using box 

Completed glass door handle using edit poly and bevel

Placed glass door handle onto correct position

Added sun shading device onto openings

Rendering Images
Rendering 01

Rendering 02

Rendering 03

Rendering 04

Rendering 05

Project 2 : Exterior Rendering
Work In Progress

After completion of project one, it's time to add in materials to the 3D model.
Put in the material using material editor in 3dsmax, adjust it to the desired settings, such as bump, displacement and reflection, then apply it onto the objects.

After settings done, applying stacked stone material to the walls.

To get proportional size of the material, I applied UVW map to all the walls that need to be adjusted, set it to box and adjust the number of UVW tiles, done.

Applying wood materials to the roof, adjust to desired setting.

Roof materials applied, add in UVW map as well to adjust the proportion and rotation of the material.

Applying wood materials to the floor, adjust to desired setting.

Apply another type of wood material to the wooden windows frame.

All materials applying done, it's time to add in some outdoor furniture.

Outdoor furniture added, applying material to the furniture.

Now everything about materials is done.

Add in daylight system to get daylight and shadow to make the rendering more realistic.

Add in target camera 1 to get the preferred view angle.

Add in target camera 2 to get another preferred view angle.

Test Rendering Images

Test Rendering 01

Test Rendering 02

Test Rendering 03

Test Rendering 04

Test Rendering 05

Final Editing In Photoshop
Rendering is done, time to add in context using Adobe Photoshop.

Editing First Rendering

Insert the rendering image into photoshop.

Add in background and foreground to the photo.

Added in human figures and trees.

Lastly add in the water reflection. Done ! 

Editing Second Rendering
Insert the rendering image into photoshop.

Add in background and foreground to the photo.

Add in human figure to the photo.

Add in tree into the photo.

Lastly, add in the shadows into the photo. Done !

Final Rendering Image 1000px 

 Exterior Rendering Angle 01

Exterior Rendering Angle 02

Project 2 : Interior Rendering
Work In Progress

Now, we've done rendering the exterior, so this project proceed to render the interior of the building, the main challenge of rendering interior is setting up the lights and camera, to get the desired light intensity and atmosphere feeling. In my case, I turn off the daylight system, and focus on rendering interior night scene.

Before I start rendering the interior scene, i need to import the furniture. I have a theme for my retreat house, which is fully furnished with traditional Chinese furniture and antiques.

Importing the Chinese traditional chairs

Importing the Chinese antiques and teapot

Importing the Chinese antique drawings

Importing traditional dining table

Setting up the dining table with traditional dining sets

Finally, importing the traditional Chinese lamp

Done importing furniture and arrange them into the retreat house

And this is how it looks like when i turn off the daylight system

Then I insert free lights to brighten up the interior spaces

Also, I adjusted the mr photographic exposure control to get the right exposure I want

Lastly, I place the lights into the lamps and creates interesting shadows

Final Interior Rendering

Final Interior Rendering 01

 Final Interior Rendering 02

Project 3: 3D Animation
Work In Progress

Firstly, Insert a tree and apply scale animation, to have the tree growing up effect.

After that, I break my building into parts, and apply drop down animations.

Applying animation key frames to all the walls.

Applying animation key frames to all the windows and doors.

Applying door closing animation.

Applying door closing animation.

Applying drop down animation for dining furniture.

Applying drop down animation for living room furniture.

Setting camera view and assign it to follow a path.

Lastly, wait for the rendering !

Final Project: Animation

Overall, i think this is a very useful module, I've gained a lot of skills of using computer softwares to generate 3D model and realistic rendering. Although the skills I acquired are still very basic, but I look forward to improve my rendering skills in the future. I'm sure 3d modeling and rendering skills will help me a lot in my future studies to express my design intention.

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