Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Building Science 1

Project 1 : Case Study, Identifying innovative passive design strategies

In this project, we are required to do case studies about two different building which has GBI ratings and Green Mark System awards in Singapore and Malaysia.
The building that we choose to study in Singapore is the Park Royal Hotel, in Pickering. Whereas the other building that we study in Malaysia is Setia International Centre.

Our main focus is to study about the passive designs strategies in the buildings, the principles and details needed for these passive design strategies to perform to achieve thermal comfort.

Then we are required to produce a report consisting:
-Thermal Analysis
-Wind Analysis
-Sun Analysis
-Concept and analysis of building's passive design strategies

Park Royal on Pickering

Setia International Centre

Throughout this module, I've learned on identifying environment conditions related to site conditions and climate. I have a better understanding of the effects of the sun on the thermal performance and also the effect of insulation, thermal mass and air movement on thermal performance of buildings.
Besides, I've also learned on how to use the software 'ecotect' to do building analysis such as sunpath diagrams, windrose diagrams, climatic diagrams and etc.

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