Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Building Construction 2

Project 1: Understanding Forces in Skeletal Structure

In this project, we are required to design and build a model tower using popsicle stick. We are not allowed to use glue or any adhesive material, all the connections much be using toothpick, thread or pins. With the height of the tower not more than 30cm. 
The aim of this model tower is to withstand as many load as possible.

Our Model Making Process
Firstly, we choose the popsicle sticks that are in good condition, to ensure better performance of our structural tower.

Then, we start to decide and measure the point to place the connections.

After we marked the connection points on the sticks.

Then we connect the popsicle sticks using thread, and form a square plane.
In our mock up model, we figured out that this structure is not strong enough to meet our target, so we decided to add bracing on the stucture.

This is the structure after the bracing are added.

To make in even more stable, pins are added at four corners of the square.

We connected four pieces together to form the first level of the tower. 

Other levels are done in the same method.

The height of the tower is exactly 30cm.

It's done and ready to test the load !

Brought the model tower to the gym for load testing.

The model definitely can stand up to 100kg.

Unfortunately it breaks when the load is up to about 130+ kg.

Flatten model.

Group photo 

Through out this project, I've learned about how to design and build a tower structure. The structural design is very important as it distribute the load. The workmanship is also very important because workmanship will affect the efficiency of the building, if the tower is not straight, it breaks easily due to non-vertical forces.
Overall, this project requires a lot of time, as the best way of learning is through testing, we did a lot of mock up and keep trying to get the best performance.
It surprised me when we calculate the efficiency of the tower, the tower structure itself only weight 102g, but it can withstand up to 130kg loads. It's all about efficiency.

Project 2: Understanding Forces in Solid Structure and Surface Structure
In this project, we are to proposed either a solid construction or a surface construction building. In this case, we proposed a solid construction building, China Pavilion in Shanghai Expo. Then we have to study the construction method of the building and showing it by producing a model. Other than that, we have to produce an A4 size booklet to introduce and analyse about the building.

 The A4 booklet actually concludes all our research and model making process.

Individual: Construction Detail

Throughout this project, I've learned to identify basic structural systems in construction, and also the ability to differentiate solid and surface construction. Besides, I am able to analyse more about the purpose of some specific structure and the issue of strength, stiffness and stability of structures.
This is a project that we spent a lot of time on in as it requires us to study how the actual building is actually build, and then we have to build the model in the same method of construction.

After completing this module, I've develop a better understanding about structural system in construction and it's application in the building. Furthermore, my understanding about how the structure and the load distribution works has also improved.

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