Thursday, July 17, 2014

Architectural Design Studio 3

Project 1 : Journey for the 5 senses

Project 1a, we selected 2 precedents for analysis. One Pre-modern Movement and one Contemporary.
One must be Linear and the other one must be Concentric. We selected The Colosseum and The Jewish Museum. The focus of our study is based on the 5 senses expressed in the building, how the spaces are organised and ordered and the spatial typologies applied in the design.

After that, for Project 1b, we are given a poetry to read and visualize it from an architectural viewpoint, and we need to translate it into architecture through building 2 physical models, one is Linear and another one is Concentric.

    Case Study Presentation Board Colosseum

    Case Study Presentation Board Jewish Museum

    Final Presentation Board Concentric

    Final Presentation Board Linear

Throughout this project, I have learned on identifying different spatial types in architecture. Besides, I've also have better understanding of how to translate a poetic feeling into architecture. Which I think translating the 5 senses and poetic feeling into architecture is the hardest part of this project.

Project 2 : GENIUS LOCI, Site Analysis & Concept Development
We're given a site, which is located at southern Singapore, Labrador Park, a nature reserve park which has a lot of precious historical story of world war 2. We visited the site and produced a site analysis. Other than that, we also proposed a concept for our final project.

Abstract Concept Sketch

Abstract Concept Sketch

Concept Proposal Perspectives

Concept Proposal Elevations

After completion of this project, I've better understanding of how to document, interpret and analyze the site context and the 'Genius Loci' of place.

Final Project : Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC)
In this project, we're to design a Visitor Interpretive Cente at the site, Labrador Park, given a total floor area of 450sqm. The aim of my VIC is for the visitor to notice the importance of the port defense at Labrador Park in the past, and also for the visitors to know the relationship between the past defense and the successfully developed city. 

    Studio Final Presentation Board 2 A0
Through out this Module,  I've better understanding on how to generate design based on the unique character and conditions of the site context, without neglecting the importance of concept and the feeling that I wanted to show to the users. 
In conclusion, this studio is more about poetic feeling and translating them into architecture, which i think this is the most challenging task in this studio, because the feeling of five senses are very subjective, different people may feel differently. So the ultimate goal is to make everyone to agree with how you express your feeling through architecture.

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