Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Building Structures

Project 1: Fettuccine Truss Bridge
In this project, we are required to carry out precedent study of a truss bridge. By using the info obtained from the precedent study, then we are to construct a fettuccine bridge of 750mm clear span and maximum weight of 200g. Our target is the achieve high efficiency.

Through out the whole project, we've tried out various kind of truss designs and at last we found that different truss design doesn't really affect much for the efficiency of the bridge as the workman ship turns out to be the most important factor that affect the efficiency. As fettuccine is too fragile, therefore I personally think that this is not the best way to help students to understand the truss. 

Project 2: Extension of a R.C. Bungalow
The project is an integrated component where it involves structural theory, force calculation and basic structural proposal.
First, we choose a bungalow as our case study, then produce a complete documentation on structural system of the case study. After identifying the structural components, we design our own extension and do beams and columns analysis. 

Analysis of minimum 6 beams which inclusive
o Load Diagram
o Bending moment diagram,
o Shear force diagrams
Analysis of minimum 4 columns

Extension Structural Plans

Extension Floor Plans

Compiled Calculations

Through out this project, I'm capable of identify structural components of the building, also have better understanding about analysing beams and columns.

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