Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Architectural Design Studio 4

Project 1: Green Info-Shelter : Exploring The Environment Poetics

In this project, in a group of 2, we are required to investigate the given site. The site is located in Taylor's University Lakeside campus, just beside the Coda Gallery. We conducted a site analysis recording the site context and natural environment, also understanding the user needs by observing the site activities. Then we turn the site issues into design solutions and translate in to our green info shelter.

Presentation Board Progress 01

Presentation Board Progress 02

 Presentation Board Done

Model Progress 01

Model Progress 02

Model Done 01

Model Done 02

After the completion of this project, I've better understanding of how to design based on site issues at the same time fulfilling the needs of the users, utilizing the site context and natural elements to increase the value of the space.

Project 2 : Nature Appreciation Center

This project calls for a design of a simple public building with some complexity that includes the complexity of site topography
and vegetation, socio-cultural events, and variety of strategies for sustainable design.

The site is located in Pulau Banding, Gerik, Perak. Pulau Banding is a 243-hectare man-made island located within the majestic Temenggor Lake. The Island sits amidst the 130 million year-old Belum Rainforest, known for nature based activities such as fishing, bird watching, camping and visiting orang asli settlements.

As usual, we have to first conduct a site analysis before the design process begins.
As a team, we also produced a big site model which is in scale 1:200

Site Model Photo 01

Site Model Photo 02

Site Model Photo 03

Site Model Photo 04

The Micro-Site where we are going to design our Nature Appreciation Center

 Site Analysis 01

Site Analysis 02 

Site Analysis 03 

Site Analysis 04 

Site Analysis 05

 Site Analysis 06

 Site Analysis 07

Site Analysis 08

Nature Appreciation Center

Nature as the basis for design, nature grows from the idea of a seed and reaches out to its surroundings. The nature appreciation center mirrors the beauty and complexity of nature.
An architecture of nature is in between man-made and natural, as this appreciation center used sustainable materials like bamboo and concrete. Minimum enclosed spaces, get the users connected with the nature as much as possible, utilizing the natural resources such as natural lighting and ventilation.
    Final Presentation Board 6A1

After the completion of this project, I have a better knowledge of NATURE, utilizing the existing structure and site typology, and make interactions with the environment by bringing the positive elements of the nature into architecture with minimum negative impact to the site. Providing users a space to understand and appreciate the nature.  

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