Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Shape Grammar

Shape grammar is a method used to produce new and original design languages using the relationship between shapes as opposed to the traditional and conventional method which mainly depends on the designer’s intuition, experience and ideas as well as adaptation from other projects. 

Exercise 1- Single Rule 2D Shape Grammar

Exercise 2- Single Rule 3D Shape Grammar

Exercise 3A- Two Rules 2D Shape Grammar

Exercise 3B- Two Rules 2D Shape Grammar

Exercise 4.1- Two Rules 3D Shape Grammar

Exercise 4.2- Two Rules 3D Shape Grammar

Final Presentation Board

Upon the completion of this module, I'm able to execute shape grammar from given rules and come up with designs. Besides, I'm also capable of produce my own design using my own set rules.
It is an interesting subject that opportunities are provided to come out with designs from different approach, using shapes.

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