Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Theories of Architecture and Urbanism

Project Synopsis

Project: Theorizing Architecture

PROJECT PART I: Analysing “Through the eyes” of an architect/urban designer/ theoretician
Select a defined area and to apply or translate design theories and historic urban design approaches onto this area. Imagine how the architect or urban designer may have analysed and interpreted in this chosen area.

Area chosen: Putrajaya
Urban Designer: Howard Ebenezer
Garden Cities of To-morrow

Reflective Essay
The three magnets and Putrajaya

Project Part 2: Analysis Diagram and Essay 
-select a particular building within the area, study on impact of external factors on architecture

Upon successful completion of the module, I'm capable to:
1. Describe the theoretical issues related to design through study of architecture and urbanism and its related studies
2. Identify the different architectural theories which inform the development of architecture and urban forms
3. Analyze and critique the relationship between architecture and its social, cultural, and intellectual context
4. Analyze architecture and urban forms in relation to relevant architectural theories
5. Produce, orally and in writing, a critical interpretation of architecture and urbanism in relation to relevant theories within the contemporary discourse of architecture

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